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Gummy smile is a very common problem where on smiling, a large area of gum can be seen above the upper teeth. Sometimes gummy smiles are genetic, and will run in a family. Many patients complain their gummy smile makes them self-conscious when smiling or laughing in social situations.
Fortunately, there is a treatment to help patients regain their confidence when smiling. Targeted and expertly dosed relaxant injections into the muscles that elevate the upper lip (one injection per side just left and right of the nose) cause a subtle lowering to reduce gum show when smiling, laughing or talking.
During your appointment the nurse will assess the gummy smile and decide on the best dose after taking a history and examining the patient. In particular discussing with the patient how many mm of reduction of excessive gum display would the patient want. If there is excess of 6 mm, then that level of treatment can cause a speech impediment.
It is also very important to assess the philtrumthe (midline groove in the upper lip that runs from the top of the lip to the nose), as some patients may look older with treatment for gummy smile, so may be unsuitable.
The effect of the injections will not start to occur for 2-8 days.
The maximal effect of the treatment will be 3-4 weeks and it will last 3-6 months. Some patients prefer to have treatment again at 8 weeks
General risks of antiwrinkle injections include
Specific risks of antiwrinkle injections include
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